Saturday, March 19, 2005

Saying Hi from MRT!

Yo! I'm using GPRS with Bluetooth connection to my cellphone to connect to the interenet from the MRT train! w00t! Technology rocks. Improving my productivity by the double, or maybe eventually triple. Who knows... Weeeeeee!!!

Being connected every second and minute feels good.


No technical stuff today. It's rest day for me. w33t.


Anonymous said...

Until your first phonebill hits you. GPRS is (like WIFI) totally overpriced in SG. Unless you are ready to bite the SDG 170 three-in-on flatrate (ADSL-WIFI-GPRS) you bleed on every kB.

triplez said...

well, I pay a flat rate of 100 bucks a month. And my usage of GPRS goes up to 2k. I'm trying to hit 3k per month. :P

Justin said...

Hey dude, take a look at this webby..

This guy created Klip for this blog. You might want to create a one as well so that we can have you latest blog updates.

triplez said...

Do people actually use Klips? Lots of my friends don't quite even know what klips are.

IMO, I think klips are more useful for those blogs which has many posts every day. Mine's not that frequent. And furthermore there's already an atom feed over there. You see the "Subscribe to this feed" words? That's the atom link. Use it in your RSS Feed Agregator.